Mini Sweet Potato Pizzas

our Mini Sweet Potato Pizzas are topped with brussels sprouts and kale. Customize the recipe with ingredients you happen to have on hand.

Mini Sweet Potato Pizzas / @loveandlemons

I feel like I missed the boat on the Thanksgiving leftover trend – sorry no mashed potato sandwiches happened here. (and um, eww). Instead, I turned a bunch of random veggie scraps and a chunk of red onion into fancy little veggie packed pizzas. In other words – it’s pretty much a non-recipe made on mini naan breads.

Mini Sweet Potato Pizzas / @loveandlemons

You can customize these with whatever veggies you have on hand. Red onion and brussels sprouts are a tried & true combo (this recipe is still one of our favorites), and the sweet potatoes add a nice hearty bite. I slathered ricotta cheese as my base and topped mine with pecorino. (Although feel free to sub tomato sauce and daiya cheese for a vegan option).

The key here is to slice the sweet potato into pretty thin ribbons so they don’t take longer to cook than the rest of the toppings. I used just a regular vegetable peeler.

Mini Sweet Potato Pizzas / @loveandlemons-2

5.0 from 2 reviews

Mini Sweet Potato Pizzas

Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: main dish or appetizer
Serves: 4 small pizzas, customizable
  • part of a sweet potato, peeled into ribbons
  • 4 mini naan breads (I used these) or pizza crust of your choice
  • olive oil, for brushing on the dough
  • ½ clove of garlic
  • ricotta cheese - a few tablespoons per pizza
  • shaved red onion
  • shaved brussels sprouts
  • a few pieces of kale
  • pinches of red chile flakes
  • grated pecorino cheese
  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  2. Toss sweet potato ribbons with a tiny bit of olive oil and salt.
  3. Brush a little bit of oil on each crust or flatbread and rub it with the open side of a ½ clove of garlic. Top each pizza with a slather of ricotta cheese, a few slices of red onion, a few shaved brussels sprouts, kale and a few ribbons of sweet potato.
  4. Top generously with grated cheese and bake for about 20 minutes or until the sweet potatoes are tender and cooked through. (tip: check after 15 minutes - if the sweet potatoes are cooking slower than the other veggies (and/or your pizza crust), cover loosely with foil).



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  1. Love it, very delicious, thanks for your recipe

  2. Migue

    I´m definitely trying this receipe using my pizza crust gluten free! Your pictures are gorgeous! would you please tell me what type of Indoor Lighting do you use by night?. Thank you so much Jeanine.

    • jeanine

      I can’t find our exact light online, but we use one similar to this (came in a set of 2):

      We also hold a white diffuser in front of it to soften the shadows. The photos have a yellow cast but I hit “auto whitebalance” in Lightroom to fix it.

      Hope that helps! Mostly we just did a bunch of trial and error to figure out a setup that works in our space (I had no lighting experience – we just like to eat at dinnertime!)

      • Migue

        Thank you jeanine so much for your response, your blog truly inspire me. Please let me know if you come to visit Zaragoza – Spain one day, I would love to meet you and show you how deliciuos is food here. Hugs!

  3. I love the idea of thinly shaved sweet potatoes! I would also do a simple bechamel as the base 🙂

  4. Love these! We still have a lot of sweet taters storing in the barn and I can’t wait to whip up a version of these pizzas! thanks for the idea.

  5. Katie from

    This look delicious, I love the idea of the ricotta with the sweet potato. But, most importantly they look easy! I love finding meals like this I can throw together on a weeknight.

    • jeanine

      thanks Katie! They’re really easy – which is my favorite kind of meal too 🙂

  6. Brittany from

    These are just plain mouth watering. I will definitely be making these ASAP! Thanks for sharing!!

  7. Ileana from

    These look so cute and delicious! I am obsessed with sweet potatoes right now and crave/cook them often. I’ve never had them on pizza but I’m game. 🙂

  8. I love simple recipes like this, especially when cleaning out those odds and ends in the fridge! : )

  9. I honestly never would have thought to thinly slice the sweet potato and cook it like that. My daughter would love these and what agreat way to get her to eat her veggies. Very impressive. Thank you for sharing!!

  10. Matt from

    What an awesome idea, these look incredible!

  11. Isadora from

    Oh Yum!! All of my favorite vegetables piled on top of one of my favorite foods, pizza! This looks awesome and delicious!

  12. These look so simple and delicious! I love the idea of peeling a sweet potato into ribbons, because they really do take forever to cook.

  13. I love sweet potato on pizza! If you’re ever in a bind and need a great frozen pizza Trader Joe’s is carrying a Kale, Sweet Potato, and Butternut Squash pizza now that is so good I eat it twice a week!

  14. Great, great, great!
    I am a crazy fan of Broussel sprouts (and Bourbon).
    Never thought about adding them to a pizza.
    Unfortunately ricotta cheese is unavailable here in Spain… know: Spaniards are chauvinistic!

  15. Naan bread pizzas were my go to quick lunch when I was at university but they looked a lot more unhealthy than these and not as tasty looking either.

  16. Non-recipes are sometimes the best ideas! I love the idea of making “ribbons” from the sweet potatoes.

A food blog with fresh, zesty recipes.
Photograph of Jeanine Donofrio and Jack Mathews in their kitchen

Hello, we're Jeanine and Jack.

We love to eat, travel, cook, and eat some more! We create & photograph vegetarian recipes from our home in Chicago, while our shiba pups eat the kale stems that fall on the kitchen floor.