Mini Ceviche Tacos

mini ceviche tacos, two ways (vegetarian & pesca)

I’m guest posting today on A House in the Hills (one of my favorite blogs), while Sarah is in Mexico this week. I know, I’m jealous too.

To compensate for my vacation-envy, I made these bright little ceviche tacos and imagined myself on the beach soaking in the sun with a margarita in hand.

mini ceviche tacos, two ways (vegetarian & pesca)

Whitefish gets “cooked” with lots of lime juice. And for a fun twist I made a vegetarian version using chopped up hearts of palm that was equally, (if not more), delicious than it’s pesca counterpart.

mini tortillas

You could serve them with chips as an appetizer, or with tortillas as more of a meal… I ended up somewhere in the middle by making little mini-tortillas.

both recipes together serve about 4 as a main dish, 6-8 as an appetizer

veggie ceviche

  • 1 (14 ounce) can hearts of palm, slice into ¼ inch pieces
  • ¼ cup very thin red onion slices
  • ½ poblano, roasted & chopped (about ¼ cup)
  • ¼ cup corn kernels
  • ¼ cup chopped scallions
  • ¼ cup red pepper, diced
  • ¼ cup chopped cilantro
  • ¼ cup lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • salt
serve with:
  • tortillas (mini or regular sized), or tortilla chips
  • avocado slices
  • extra cilantro for garnish
  • a few radish slices
  1. Mix everything together. Let chill in the fridge for 20 or so. Taste & adjust seasonings and serve chilled with tortillas.

#ratingValue# from #ratingCount# reviews
whitefish ceviche
  • 5 oz whitefish such as sea bass, snapper or tilapia
  • ¼ cup lime juice (plus extra at the end, to taste)
  • ¼ cup thinly sliced red onion
  • ¼ cup corn kernels
  • ¼ cup chopped scallions
  • ¼ cup red pepper, diced
  • ½ poblano, roasted & chopped (about ¼ cup)
  • salt
serve with:
  • tortillas (mini or regular sized), or tortilla chips
  • avocado slices
  • extra cilantro for garnish
  • a few radish slices
  1. Chop fish into small slices. Place in a bowl and mix with the lime juice. Let it sit and "cook" in the fridge for at least 20 minutes. Remove and drain some of the liquid. Add salt, all veggies, and another squeeze of lime. Taste and adjust. Refrigerate for another 15 minutes or so and serve chilled.

Click here for the homemade tortilla recipe (I half-ed it and made about 12 mini tortillas)


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  1. rachel cantin

    We absolutely loved it!!

  2. Kasey from

    These are gorgeous! I want to have a party just so I could serve some (if may be a while, but still 😉 xo

  3. You’ve passed along the vacation envy to me; these are simply gorgeous and though I’m not quite ready to loosen my grip on winter {still hoping for at least one good snow here in Philly!} I’m now suddenly craving the flavors of summer. I have some bass in my freezer that I caught in early fall this year; this would be the perfect way to serve them!

  4. I’ve been looking for a good recipe to use hearts of palm in. This looks perfect!!! I cannot wait to make these veggie ceviche tacos. Yum!

  5. Jeanine, your photos are always so effortlessly beautiful! Simplicity and charm…
    Love Mexican food, those mini tortillas are damn cute!
    Idea borrowed 🙂

    • jeanine

      thanks! They were so good (almost surprisingly so)!

  6. A fabulous and refreshing step up from ‘normal’ fish tacos. And beautifully captured too

  7. Crista from

    these look AMAZING! I’ll be making these this weekend.

    • jeanine

      thanks Crista! Hope you like 🙂

  8. Sarah from

    These look delicious. Your photos have done them justice as always! Refreshing, and light and making me wish I was in Mexico too.

    • jeanine

      thanks! Yes, they were a mini-vacation I suppose 🙂

  9. My hubby and I love fish tacos…so this is a great recipe for us! And what a stunning photo. I can totally see making variations, such as with avocado and mango, for instance, for a more tropical twist. Yum!

    • jeanine

      Love the mango idea, the added sweetness would be great… Avocado is most definitely necessary 🙂

  10. Natasha from

    These are so cute! My boyfriend and I make a celery ceviche that we are rather obsessed with. Will definitely have to branch out and give this recipe a try! Sounds delicious.

A food blog with fresh, zesty recipes.
Photograph of Jeanine Donofrio and Jack Mathews in their kitchen

Hello, we're Jeanine and Jack.

We love to eat, travel, cook, and eat some more! We create & photograph vegetarian recipes from our home in Chicago, while our shiba pups eat the kale stems that fall on the kitchen floor.